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Rachel Lavin

Lifestyle & Wellness

About Me

Established in 2000

Rachel Lavin is a Published author of The Doughnut Diaries, Professional Speaker, Body Love Coach, Certified Health Coach, Certified Personal Trainer. She grew up in Northern California and has lived in Hawaii, Vancouver, Washington, Portland, Oregon, and New York City. She currently lives in Greenville, South Carolina with her Partner.

My Mission is to Create a Lifestyle through Balance, Connection, & Wholeness.


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Declutter & Organization Services

By helping you declutter, purge, and organize your space I can create a place for you to feel whole, balanced, and connected to the other parts of your life. Your home or office space is an extension of who you are, and it should provide a feeling of peace.

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Rachel Interviewed by Cliff Yates on the “Cliff Yates Show” Podcast

Rachel Interviewed by Karin Freeland for BoldJourney


Rachel Interviewed by Eden Wine on “Practical x Woo” Podcast

Rachel Interviewed by Michelle Hayes on the “HerRise” Podcast

Rachel Interviewed by Ashley Ladanza on the “Eat. Explore. Love.” Podcast

Rachel Interviewed by Jaclyn Gee on “Doom to Bloom” Podcast


I’ve Fallen, but I Got Up!

This is my PSA about women and strength training. After you read my experience from this past weekend hopefully you will have a difficult time disagreeing with me on the importance of resistance training. I am a fifty-year-old woman, I have been moving my body in some...

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Can We Just Enjoy Thanksgiving Dinner?

Today is all about food, eating possibly all day, and feeling so full you may have to undo a button or two. This can be very daunting for some of us. Today is Thanksgiving and I am going to eat! Turkey, stuffing, my cheesy twice mashed potatoes, salad (maybe), and...

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Does Your Closet Look Like a Clothing Store?

I know mine does! Finally, at forty-nine years old I have had the most fantastic epiphany! My closet can now contain an array of sizes because my body is not a one-size-fits-all. I thought back how over the years that each time I had a significant weight loss I would...

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We Love our Workouts Until We Don’t

My body has gone through both weight loss and weight gains throughout my life. My body has changed again in 2020-2021. I really want to mention that what I’m about to tell you is not an excuse. As personal trainers, we always think our clients telling us that life is...

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Book Reviews

“Rachel Lavin is truly a New Yorker – you can tell her dry wit from the first chapter and picture yourself having the same experience in the grocery store… that alone is worth reading ‘The Doughnut Diaries!'”

— Robert Solis, Senior Designer at Izod, American Luxury Menswear Stylist, and Influencer

“I like to call Rachel’s book a necessity for anyone who is struggling with being image-conscious. I highly suggest that you read this uplifting, informative book that also expresses Rachel’s great sense of humor. Each passage in the book is not only very true, but will hit the spot for readers as they relate to Rachel’s journey on how she successfully overcame the dark side of what we’re led to believe we should look like.”

— Tonijean Kulpinski, CBHC, BCHP, AADP, and Bestselling Author of the Stop Battling Disease & Start Building Wellness Book Series

“Rachel Lavin has been every size imaginable and she has learned how to maintain a healthy body while still eating doughnuts! Want to know how she does it? You can eat it all up in ‘The Doughnut Diaries!'” 

— Christy Whitman, New York Times Bestselling Author, Founder of the Quantum Success Coaching Academy, and Certified Law of Attraction Coach

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