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Love letter to Your “Summer” Body

With the start of summer less than two weeks away, and just like every year, looming over us like a dark cloud, is a new diet with the promise to get you your summer body now! I’d like to propose that we look at this in a different way. If summer is your favorite time of year, why not allow yourself to fully enjoy the time spent with your family and friends instead of imprisoning yourself to have a “summer body”. Creating memories with the people you love. Doing the things you love is much more valuable than not doing anything because you don’t believe your body is already ready for summer and beyond! It is just another ploy that the diet industry has used to instill fear in all of us and if you don’t get on a diet 3 weeks before summer and shed 10, 15, 20…… pounds then you wont be able to enjoy this time of year. That is not realistic or even attainable, I’m sorry but its true. Realizing that rapid weight loss always equates to more weight gain!

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First Body Love by Rachel In-Person Event

I really enjoyed my first "Body Love by Rachel Lavin" in-person event. The event was held at the West Village Lofts community room and was open to the public. It was a lively event with a brief presentation followed by a very active Q&A session. Judging by the...

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Why are You Still Looking for that Quick Fix?

Desperation to lose the weight once and for all is the most intense feeling I’ve ever experienced and finally finding that one thing that promises me the weight will finally come off and stay off I believed it with all my heart, and I thought to myself I’m sold!!! I...

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January 2023 is Over – How Did We Do?

Mid-January is where we tend to feel like we failed again, another year of resolutions down the drain. I’ve been thinking about how I want to approach this month’s blog. Hopefully by now you know I do my best to not shame or chastise my community, but to approach...

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Christmas Dinner Won’t Make you FAT!

It’s that time of year again where we are all making the usual, yet untrue and unkind, statements about our holiday eating and weight gain. I am sure you have either heard a family member, co-worker, neighbor, friend, or you say some of these or all of these...

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Body Shaming – Are You Guilty?

Accepting people who have bigger bodies is more than long overdo, we are at DEFCON 5! It’s a huge problem in our culture. Why can’t people accept that those of us who come in bigger bodies are not lazy, full of disease or unhealthy. If you really believe that then you...

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Do We ALL Have Anxiety Now?

I don’t know about you, but I have been experiencing anxiety/panic attacks for over a year and it’s driving me crazy! I hate them! They happen at the most inopportune times. What is the solution? Is my only choice to go on medication? I am only speaking for myself,...

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Menopause, Such a Dirty Word!

It has started!!! I don’t know what this is exactly, but I do know that I feel different. This isn’t going to be another fact ridden blog about peri menopause, hot flashes, hormones, and everything in between. Today I’m writing a blog about how I’m feeling; in a word...

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